Department Units & Divisions
- Outpatient Clinic:
- Clinic for new patients (Saturday, Monday, & Wensday for Males ; Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday for Females).
-Daily follow-up clinic for diagnosed cases with chronic Rheumatic diseases.
-Follow-up clinic to all discharged previously admitted patients in the department (every Sunday, Monday & Tuesday).
-Pregnancy Clinic: follow up clinic every Sunday to all pregnant patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases. By: dr Abeer Nabil & dr Nahla Naeem.
-Physiotherapy Clinic for all cases from inpatient, outpatient & referred cases.
- Inpatient:
The inpatient unit consists of 30 beds (20 females & 10 males). There are two wards; one for female patients & the other for male patients.
- Services Units:
- Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Ultrasound
- Polarized Microscopy
- Pediartic Rheumatology & Rehabilitation Department (in Abo El-rish hospital), consists of:
- daily clinic for Rehabilitation of new pediatric cases
- weekly follow-up clinic (every Monday for children with rheumatic diseases).
- EMG : by dr Ihab Abo El-Oyoon every Saturday, Wendsday & Thursday).